Everything Bagel Sandwiches with Avocado Schmear

Easy to make and quick to come together, Everything Bagel sandwiches are great for breakfast, lunch, or even dinner; we’re pretty partial to breakfast for dinner around here. the best part of these is they are very easily customizable for every member of the family. See my family’s variations at the bottom.


  • Everything Bagel
  • Avocado – Usually 1 medium avocado for 3-4 bagels depending on the size of the avocado, and how much schmear you want on your sandwiches.
  • 1-2 Tbs Everything Bagel Seasoning
  • 1-2 Lemons
  • 1-2 eggs per Bagel
  • 1 tsp milk per egg
  • 1 small-medium Tomato per Bagel
  • Sliced Cheese
  • Thinly Sliced Red Onion
  • Arugula or lettuce – I love the flavor arugula adds.
  • Thinly Sliced Lunch Meat of Choosing
  • Freshly Cracked Pepper


  1. You will want to begin by preparing the Avocado Schmear.
    • Begin by smashing the avocado in a bowl until only small chunks are left.
    • Add the juice of 1 lemon and stir in to combine.
    • Add in the Everything Bagel Seasoning, again stirring to combine. My everything bagel seasoning already has salt in it, so I do not need to add any additional salt, but if yours does not, also add in some salt to taste.
  2. Next, complete any mise en place needed to make sandwich assembly quick. This includes slicing the tomatoes and onions, laying out any meats, cheeses or lettuces you plan on using.
  3. Make the Egg Patties. I like to make them one sandwich at a time, but if doing this for a crowd, I would make a big skillet of egg patty and cut them to go on each sandwich.
    • Scramble the egg(s) with 1-2 tsp of milk per egg and pour into hot skillet.
    • Add a sprinkle of salt, fresh cracked pepper, and a squirt of lemon juice to the egg in the skillet.
    • Allow the egg to cook until the patty can be flipped without breaking.
    • Once flipped, place the cheese on top to melt and allow the eggs to finish cooking.
  4. While the eggs are cooking, toast the bagels and add about 1/4 of the avocado schmear to the bottom half of the bagels.
  5. Layer on the onion and tomato, lightly pressing them into the schmear.
  6. Once the eggs have finished cooking, add to the sandwich and enjoy!

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