Crêpes – Just the Recipe

This recipe is great for breakfasts, lunches, snacks, or dessert! Making a large batch ahead of time allows for simple and easy meals throughout the week. To read more about this Crêpe Recipe, see the full post here.


  • 2 C (315 g) Flour
  • 4 C (34 fl oz.) Milk
  • 8 Tbs Butter (Melted)
  • 4 Eggs
  • Pinch of Salt


  1. Slowly combine all of the flour, and half of the milk, whisking as you to to fully incorporate all of the flour.
  2. Whisk in the eggs.
  3. Whisk in the remaining milk.
  4. Add the salt and butter to the batter.
  5. Cover the batter and allow it to rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  6. After the batter is done resting, give it a stir and prepare the pan.
  7. Spoon just enough batter into the pan to coat the bottom. Allow the crêpe to cook on that side until it begins to brown on the bottom and can easily be flipped. Much like pancakes, expect the first one to be not-so-pretty and a chef’s snack.
  8. When the crêpe is ready, flip to the other side and allow to cook until it is done and the second side has browned a bit as well. Right after flipping the crêpe is a great time to add eggs (pre-cooked), meats, cheeses etc. These can be served hot off the skillet, or wrapped and saved for easy meals later.
  9. The crêpes can be saved, covered and re-warmed on the stove top, or in the microwave for use throughout the week (if they last that long). This recipe is easily doubled without change in quality for a larger batch.

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